Thursday, December 30, 2010

What's Your Motivation?

We've all been there, you're sitting at home thinking about going to the gym but you're just dreading that car ride there. You know the gym is going to be packed and you're probably going to hit traffic on the way there. So you say to yourself, "I'll just skip today and go tomorrow."

What you don't realize is you've just created the beginning of your inanimate doom. There is no tomorrow! putting it off, is just creating a bad habit. In order to create those good habits we have to overcome the temptations that move us away from what we should do. Let's first consider why you feel this way. You know you should go, and you need to go but something inside you is just keeping you from getting up getting in your car, and getting there. What can you do to change this? 

The answer is so simple and so obvious and you've heard it time and time again. Goals!......Goals! Goals! Goals! What are your goals? The lack of motivation stems from a lack of direction. You wouldn't get in your car and start driving to a destination without knowing the address, would you? Of course not! That would be silly! The same thing happens when you don't have goals written down for the sole purpose of what you want to accomplish in the gym. It is something so simple and it can be done in about the equivalent amount of time it takes you to get dressed in the morning. 

Your brain operates with purpose and direction when you set even the smallest of goals. Without them you'll end up wondering the gym, watching everyone else, and getting sucked into mindless conversations with the other joes that are there to mingle. Don't fall into this trap! Go there with a purpose!

Of course this will take some planning and preparation, but if you want to succeed, planning and preparation is mandatory. Winging it will get you far if you're motivated enough to get there, but for the average person, winging it is a means to an end. 

Here's some tips that you might want to consider. 

1. Know exactly what you want!

This is the first and most important tip! Know exactly what you want.  Know what you want to look like, and imagine what you want to feel like. Imagine how your life would be different if you accomplished what you wanted. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish and then ask yourself what are you willing to sacrifice? You cannot simply ask of a something and give nothing in return. 

Remind yourself of what you want every time you go to the gym. Carry a notebook a make notes to yourself, so every time you look at your notes you have that vision in your head. This will give you drive and motivation! 

2. Write a program! 

Yes! If you don't know how to write a program, thats fine, the internet is filled with exercises that you can pick and choose from to construct your own basic program! If you need help, post on my blog and I will help you! 

Be specific. -

# of days you plan on lifting weights that week
# of days you plan on doing cardio that week 
# of exercises 
# of reps
# of sets

3. Write it down!

Writing down your workouts is an absolute must for the beginner and advanced athlete. 
This will give you something to reference, instead of trying to remember what you lifted last time. 
This is very important! 

4. Get a workout buddy! 

This one is great because it will create accountability on both your parts. It will also make it fun and motivating. Help each other out! Spot each other, challenge each other, have fun, laugh! Working out doesn't always have to be serious. Have fun with it. 

5. Join group classes!

This one seems like a no-brainer but the camaraderie you can develop in a team is very powerful and motivating. There is nothing like having a group of people cheer you on for the sake of finishing a workout strong. 
6. Get a trainer! 

Yet another one that seems obvious, but if you don't have the motivation to do it yourself, get a trainer. My word of advice to you is, do some research on the trainer before you hire him/her. Take a look at them and see if they practice what they preach. No trainer should be overweight and trying to help people get fit, if they cannot be fit themselves. 

7. Join a team sport or do something active.

Besides going into the gym and working out, there are other options to help you get into shape. Try playing sports, basketball, baseball, tennis, etc. You can usually go to any nearby park and find a group of people that will be happy to let you join in. Try hiking, dancing, swimming or even going for a walk. Do something that will get you up and moving! 

I hope these tips helped. Now if you are finding it difficult to be successful in the fitness realm, take a look at these 7 tips and check off as many of these you're doing right now. If the answer is 0, then its no wonder you're having a hard time! Anybody would! Don't be so hard on yourself for being human. We all have to start somewhere and we all have to crawl before we can walk. Take it slow and accept the difficulties as challenges! Good Luck! 

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